Who are MeetYourClass

Q: Can you give a little background about your company?

A: I’m a current college student myself, and about two years ago, my co-founders and I noticed there was a gap. You see when students get accepted into a college, there’s this 5-9 month window before they hit the campus where, frankly, not much is happening. Universities weren’t doing much to bridge that gap.

That’s how MeetYourClass was born. We realized that while third-party platforms were trying to connect incoming students, they were missing the point. They were focused on their platform, not on how to genuinely bring together a diverse group of incoming students who might be coming from all over the globe.

We decided to go where the students already are—social media—and funnel them into our own platform. We launched last year and it’s been a ride. We’ve had over 180,000 account creations and even partnered with a few universities. And we’re looking forward to growing that list.

Why Techstars Felt Like The Right Fit

Q: Why did you decide to apply to Techstars?

A: We’re based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, so the Detroit Techstars program is just a 30-40 minute drive away. It seemed like a natural fit. More importantly, we were after extra mentorship and advice. A little more funding doesn’t hurt either, especially since we’re first-time founders. Techstars is known for its rich mentorship network, and we found that incredibly valuable. Whether it’s brainstorming new ideas or getting advice on smaller issues, the community has been a huge asset. We wanted to bring more credibility and experience to our young team, and Techstars fit the bill.

Techstars’ Application Process

Q: Can you briefly describe the application process?

A: Sure, the application process was fairly straightforward. It started with an initial form that had some questions. After that, we had a first-round interview. It was a quick, 15-minute chat, and you could tell they were running through interviews back-to-back. Then we had a second round, which also served as our third round. The second round was a more detailed interview that was recorded and shared with their team for review. It focused on our business model and growth plans.

Q: What was the status of MeetYourClass while applying to the accelerator?

A: We had already launched when we applied, which gave us an edge. Every time we talked to Techstars, whether in interviews or the initial application, we showed growth. Our business is tied to the college application process, and we were interviewed between January and April, which is our peak growth period. So that helped a lot. The company has changed since joining Techstars but in a positive way. We showed traction and, although we’re scrappy and less experienced, I think our progress made up for that.

What Happens After You Get In

Q: What happens after you get accepted?

A: First you have to go through some paperwork. They did their due diligence, so we had to fill that out. Then, we had two introductory meetings to get to know our cohort and the Techstars team beyond just interviews. Our program was a hybrid model. We were in Detroit for three out of the 12 weeks. One of those weeks, the whole class went to San Francisco. The rest of the program was virtual. So, that’s basically how we got onboarded and geared up for the accelerator journey.

Q: Did you pivot during the program?

A: It was more like a mini-pivot, or maybe “focusing” is a better word. We were all over the place when we joined. The program helped us nail down a clearer vision: helping universities is our end goal. It was all about finding a way to reach that end path while still growing on our consumer side with students. The program shaped our company in that sense.

Q: How did you go through this pivot?

A: Techstars has this thing called Mentor Madness. We had 15-minute sessions with around 100 different mentors from various niches. Even if they weren’t directly related to our target market, their diverse ideas helped us. It forced us to hone our pitch. You’ve got only 15 minutes to make someone understand, so you get strategic with your words. That initial phase helped us get on a better path. Then, through ongoing talks and strategic sessions with the Techstars team, we decided to focus on helping colleges form communities. A lot of it just came from talking with a lot of people.
The Financial Upsides of Joining Techstars

Q: Did you get funding through the program?

A: Yes, it’s the standard Techstars deal: 6% equity for $20,000. But it’s not just the cash; there are plenty of other perks that help you save beyond the initial $20k. Plus, there’s an option for a convertible note—$100,000 at a 3-mile cap. It’s a decent deal that offers some financial cushion for startups like ours.
Gaining More than Just Money from Techstars

The Real Benefits of the Accelerator

Q: What were the biggest benefits you got from the program?

A: For us, the game-changer was having the Techstars team in our corner. As a young founder, sometimes you walk into a room, and people might underestimate you. The program taught me to see that as a strength, not a weakness. They’re always there—an hour away from a text reply. And our batch had multiple founders who’d successfully exited before. Being able to lean on that kind of experience? Priceless. It helps you dodge pitfalls you’d otherwise fall into if you didn’t have that level of mentorship.

Q: Do you have any “aha moment” from the program?

A: Our “aha moment” was when we dug deep into the issues plaguing our industry. Initially, we just assumed the problems were there. But after talking—constantly talking—to our customers, doing all that customer discovery work, we realized the root causes of these issues. That was enlightening. It wasn’t just a validation; it strengthened our resolve to fix these problems. There’s something deeply empowering about knowing the problem you’re solving inside and out.

MeetYourClass Today

Q: What’s the status of the company today?

A: Things are buzzing right now. Just relaunched our revamped website a few days back and we’re laying down tracks for the year ahead. We want to ramp up the number of colleges we’re helping, aiming for a 3-4X growth from last year. We’re diversifying our talent funnels—think social media channels—and padding our university list, which is, you know, a marathon not a sprint. But, we’re getting there. More meetings on the calendar, more plans in the works. And there’s the team’s growing too. Just onboarded a full-time hire, so we’re hovering around 9 or 10 peeps on the squad, some part-timers in the mix.

Q: What growth channels do you use?

A: Direct communication with universities is part of the game. But, the trickiest part is figuring out who the right person to talk to is. And then, of course, actually getting their attention. So we’ve got our hands in multiple jars—doing deep dives into research, identifying the key players, you know? And then, how to reach them? That’s another puzzle. Emails are a given, but I’ve even gone old-school with handwritten letters. We’re kinda just throwing darts and seeing what sticks. No one-size-fits-all here. We’re just staying agile, testing different channels, and trying to nail what resonates.

Final Thoughts

Q: Do you have any final tips for founders who are thinking of applying to Techstars?

A: Got get them—keep racking up those points on the scoreboard. What I mean is, that every time you have an interview, a meeting, or any touchpoint with Techstars or any other program, come in with a “next step” that shows your progress. For us, that was our growing user base. But, it could be anything that’s a KPI for your business. Just show that you’re not just talking; you’re actually hustling and making moves. Trust me, it makes a world of a difference. It sets you apart from a lot of teams that are still strategizing instead of executing. If you’ve got points on the board, it screams, “Hey, I’m committed, and I know what I’m doing.” So, focus on that, and you’ll make your own luck.