All your questions about mentorship, answered

Why Should I Talk to a Content Marketing Mentor?

Content marketing is a powerful lever to increase your company’s growth and brand awareness, especially if you’re working with limited resources. While it’s a fantastic marketing channel on its own, it can also support and amplify other channels.

But taking advantage of the opportunity isn’t easy. Not everyone is a writer. And with more and more companies publishing unedited AI-written material, the amount of bad content floating around on the internet is compounding daily.

Not to mention it can be hard to tell if your content is “working” and if it’s actively contributing towards your business’s goals. How do you know if a piece of content simply needs time to catch on in distribution channels or if it’s simply a dud? What makes a certain piece of content convert well? Should you invest the effort into updating old content?

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You simply need to know the best way to leverage the resources you have available.

A content marketing mentor can help you do just that.

What can a Content Marketing Mentor Do For Me?

Content marketing is complicated. There are hundreds of considerations to make when exploring it as a channel. And there’s no one right way to do content marketing, so it’s not as if there’s a set process to achieve success.

A content marketing mentor can draw on their years of expertise to help you design a content marketing plan that works in harmony with your company’s goals.

They’ll help you determine what content types will likely resonate given your business and target audience, teach you how to brainstorm content ideas your audience loves, and which channels and how to distribute that content to get the biggest impact.

And because a mentor takes a “done with you” approach, you won’t feel like content marketing is a black box. Instead, you’ll understand the thought processes powering your content marketing strategy, learn how to make calls on producing certain content and hone your instinct for content that converts.

Ultimately, a content marketing mentor will help you build out processes for a content machine that produces reliable results time after time.

Should I talk to a content marketing mentor now?

If you’re new to content marketing, you should definitely talk to a content marketing mentor. They’ll help you understand the field faster than you ever could by reading blog articles or taking courses. Once you have the lay of the land, they can help you with specific tactics to get your content marketing motion started quickly and efficiently.

But if you’ve already executed on content marketing, a mentor can still help you when:

  • Your content performance has plateaued and you can’t figure out why
  • You want to expand into a new content distribution channel and need to understand it.
  • You’d like to learn how to use AI ethically to speed up production without sacrificing quality
  • You’ve started with a new content format and want to streamline your workflow for it
  • You’re interested in building experimentation options into your content production processes

Your content marketing mentor can listen to your challenge, outline their past experiences in similar scenarios and help you figure out the next steps to keep moving down the path to success.