All your questions about martech startup mentorship, answered

How can a martech mentor help me?

In martech, you’re facing one major problem: you’re trying to market and sell a product to marketers.

Which means your audience already knows all the marketing tricks and tactics you might try to use and will scrutinize every post, message, and line of copy you write.

So, it’s a difficult industry to sell in. Not only do you have to have a rock-solid product, your marketing has to be flawlessly executed without venturing into grandiose territory.

That’s exactly why you need a martech mentor. They can help you understand what tactics might be off-putting to your marketing-savvy audience, what proof does make a real impact in the minds of your buyers, and how to avoid those clickbaity marketing claims that all marketers hate.

When should I talk to a martech mentor?

No matter what stage you’re at in your martech journey, a mentor can help you.

If you’re in the prelaunch phase, a martech mentor can help you:

  • Determine your niche
  • Validate your TAM and audience’s willingness to pay can produce a viable business
  • Figure out the MVP you need to launch quickly

If you’re in the 0-1 phase, a martech mentor can help you:

  • Chart a course towards product-market fit
  • Navigate product and marketing pivots
  • Find your first profitable acquisition channels

And if you’re scaling up your martech business, a martech mentor can help you:

  • Expand to new growth channels
  • Scale your team effectively
  • Avoid the operational pitfalls that can trip up the best companies

Ultimately, it’s not about speaking to a mentor at a certain stage. It’s about getting tailored advice that takes your company’s maturity into account.

Why should I talk to a mentor instead of taking a course?

In martech, most of the typical marketing advice out there just doesn’t work. While other audiences might be sucked in by big claims or at least play along with exaggeration, marketers won’t tolerate it.

Meaning your marketing will need to be down-to-earth and real. With all the flashy courses and overblown “LinkedIn viral” posts out there, it makes finding advice a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.

Instead, you need to talk to a mentor with a marketing background who can analyze your martech startup, take your product for a spin, and make recommendations based on what reality looks like for your company. With a martech mentor’s guidance, you’ll find the tactics and channels that work for your startup and start seeing ROI faster.