All your questions about mentorship, answered

How can a growth marketing mentor help me?

Growth marketing is an incredibly complex field. You have to be data-driven, think in systems, and know experimentation frameworks absolutely cold.

And unless you’ve done it for years, it’s hard to know when something hasn’t worked yet or when something isn’t going to work period and you need to move on.

Which leaves most founders and newer growth marketers in a constant state of overwhelmed analysis paralysis.

And even if you could spend hours scouring Google and Youtube to get the .1% of advice that does work, do you know how long it could take to implement?

You need “been there, done that” experience. And you can get it by talking to a growth marketing mentor. 

It’s not just about “help me optimize my growth loops” or “I need someone to walk me through determining experiment metrics.”

Your growth marketing mentor can help you go beyond concrete outcomes.

They can help you change your entire mindset.

When you take the “done with you” approach by working with a mentor, you’re getting more than results on a project. You’re learning how to think like a growth marketer.

You’ll see your marketing engine as a holistic whole instead of a bunch of discrete parts or funnels. You’ll understand why data and experiments work together the way they do and know exactly how to make calls on next steps, no matter what the results surprise you with.

In short, if you execute on one project, you’ll understand how to do that one project.

But if you get mentorship in growth marketing, you’ll internalize the growth marketing mindset.

And that will make you unstoppable.

When should I talk to a growth hacking mentor?

Now, growth marketing is a fairly specialized field, so it’s not something you can focus on at any time.

For the most part, companies that are pre-PM fit are not a good fit for growth marketing. Without a clear idea of what audience to market to, “growth marketing” (if you can call it that) winds up dependent on hacks and luck.

Typically, you’ll want to talk to a growth marketing mentor in scenarios like:

  • You’ve achieved PM fit and want to acquire users from new audiences.
  • You’ve optimized your top marketing channel and want to expand your channel options.
  • You’re seeing stagnation in your acquisition numbers and want to give them a boost.
  • You want to establish a culture of experimentation and data-driven decision making.
  • You’ve noticed a change in your users’ behavior and want to determine the root cause.

A growth marketing mentor will take you through the challenge, step-by-step, explaining their theories and thought processes. You’ll walk away knowing not only what to do, but why you should do it as well.

Why should I talk to a mentor rather than just take a course?

Courses and blog articles can teach you growth marketing approaches. But, ultimately it’s just theory.

And with a field as big as growth marketing, it’s about impossible to know what tactics might work best without prior experience.

But our mentors aren’t fluffy theorists. They’ve been in the trenches and been hands-on with the work. They’ve seen fantastic successes, spectacular failures, and everything in-between. They know what works and what doesn’t.

So, you could spend hundreds of hours reading articles, taking courses, and blindly testing out tactic after tactic, wasting time, effort, and resources.

Or you could shortcut all the frustration by talking to a mentor who has walked the path before. You’ll get advice tailored to your company’s needs and maturity so you know exactly what to prioritize and what to skip.

Why should I trust GrowthMentor’s mentors?

Excellent question. After all, the “mentorship” world is full of high-priced consultants, armchair analysts who have never done the work themselves, and outright snake-oil salesmen looking to make a quick buck.

But, there are plenty of experts out there who want to share their experience and knowledge. At GrowthMentor, we’re lucky to have 700+ of those experts.

The secret comes from our vetting process. We not only double-vet all of our mentors so only the top 3% makes it through our process, we also look at their soft skills. Because no one wants a mentor who’s a snob or a jerk.

On top of it, 85% of our mentors don’t charge an extra fee. Why?

The short answer: Because they want to help people.

The long answer is because…

  • They enjoy sharing their knowledge
  • They learn from their mentees
  • They want to be a “force for good” in the business world
  • They want to pay it forward

But don’t just trust our word on it. Hear from the mentors themselves.