All your questions about SaaS startup mentorship, answered

How can a SaaS mentor help me?

The SaaS model often sounds like a dream: repeatable, scalable revenue without any investment in brick and mortar storefronts or physical products.

Unfortunately, as most SaaS founders quickly find out, that dream can be more like a nightmare: low customer LTV, constant churn, the relentless hamster wheel of acquisition tactics.

Since no two SaaS products are the same, most SaaS founders are left trawling the web for blog articles, courses, and tactics that might work for their business. Then, they’re stuck randomly testing tactics to see what might work.

But you don’t have to fly blind. A SaaS mentor can help clear the fog of confusion. They’ll draw on their years of experience to help guide you towards the tactics that will and won’t work for your startup and product.

And because your SaaS company is unique, a mentor’s personalized advice will help you go further, far faster than you could with generic courses or blog articles.

When should I talk to a SaaS mentor?

No matter what stage you’re at in your SaaS journey, a mentor can help you.

If you’re in the prelaunch phase, a SaaS mentor can help you:

  • Determine your target audience
  • Validate your TAM and willingness to pay can produce a viable business
  • Figure out the MVP you need to launch quickly

If you’re in the 0-1 phase, a SaaS mentor can help you:

  • Chart a course towards product-market fit
  • Navigate product pivots
  • Find your first profitable acquisition channels

And if you’re scaling up your SaaS business, a SaaS mentor can help you:

  • Expand to new growth channels
  • Scale your team effectively
  • Avoid the operational pitfalls that can make even hypergrowth companies faceplant

Ultimately, it’s not about speaking to a mentor at a certain stage. It’s about getting tailored advice that takes your company’s maturity into account.

Why should I talk to a mentor instead of taking a course?

The answer here is simple: generic advice simply doesn’t work in SaaS. And the SaaS-building world is drowning in it.

No matter how similar two startups or products are, you can’t guarantee the playbook that worked for one company will work for another.

Plus, as a SaaS founder, you have enough to do. You don’t have time to jump between researching, executing, and analyzing random campaigns and tactics and run your business.

Instead, you need to talk to someone who can analyze your startup, examine your product, and make recommendations based on what reality looks like for your company.  With a mentor’s guidance, you’ll find the tactics and channels that work for your startup and start seeing ROI faster.