All your questions about mentorship, answered

How can a customer success mentor help me?

Customer success is too often looked at as a cost center. It’s seen as merely answering and resolving

But that mindset is dead wrong. Companies who treat customer success like this are missing the real opportunity.

A well-oiled customer success machine can do more than help your customers resolve their problems faster, win loyalty, and increase customer retention rates.

It can help every one of your teams work more effectively:

  • Your product team will have a wealth of information about bugs to fix and features to build.
  • Your marketing team will have an always-expanding reference library of voice of customer data for campaigns.
  • Your sales team can generate new pipeline with upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

Thus, customer success is a turbo-charger for acquiring new customers, generating new sales, and building a stronger product.

Without guidance, however, building a customer success function can feel like blind trial-and-error.

But that’s why you should talk to a customer success mentor.

Your mentor will assess your current customer success processes. They’ll look at your customer success scores. And then, they’ll help you dig into how to improve those critical soft skills your customer success function lives by.

They’ll teach you how to listen to and understand your customers’ needs. They’ll show you how to train your team to approach every interaction, no matter how tough, with empathy and professionalism.

They’ll help you build onboarding materials that anticipate needs and concerns so customers feel heard from day one. And they’ll reveal their tips and tricks for keeping your customer relationships rock solid.

When should I talk to a customer success mentor?

There’s very few companies that won’t benefit from talking to a customer success mentor. It’s simply a question of when.

If you’re just starting out as a solo-founder or a very small team with limited resources, customer success may not be the most effective approach for revenue generation.

However, if you have a sales-driven business model, especially for enterprise and high-ticket products, you’ll likely need a strong customer success function from the start. In which case we do recommend speaking to a customer success mentor as early as possible.

But once your business is more mature, that’s when customer success can start to shine.

You’ll want to chat with a customer success mentor when:

  • You’re adding a sales-led growth motion
  • You’ve decided to move upmarket and your customers expect concierge-style support\
  • You’re expanding your product offerings and will need to support a broader customer base
  • Your activation and retention rates have plateaued and you want to boost them
  • You want to create a user-centric company culture

Your mentor can then help you identify the soft skills your team will need to work on and the resources you need to build to succeed.

Why should I talk to a mentor rather than just take a course?

Courses and blog articles can teach you best practices for customer success. But, ultimately customer success is about the human touch.

To understand that, you need someone with first-hand experience.

Our mentors aren’t fluffy theorists. They’ve been in the trenches and been hands-on with the work. They’ve seen fantastic successes, spectacular failures, and everything in-between. They know what works and what doesn’t.

So, you could spend hundreds of hours reading articles, taking courses, and hoping your CS tactics improve your NPS scores and help you retain customers.

Or you could shortcut all the frustration by talking to a mentor who has walked the path before. And be sure that your customer success efforts will truly help your customers activate and succeed with your product.

Why should I trust GrowthMentor’s mentors?

Excellent question. After all, the “mentorship” world is full of high-priced consultants, armchair analysts who have never done the work themselves, and outright snake-oil salesmen looking to make a quick buck.

But, there are plenty of experts out there who want to share their experience and knowledge. At GrowthMentor, we’re lucky to have 700+ of those experts.

The secret comes from our vetting process. We not only double-vet all of our mentors so only the top 3% makes it through our process, we also look at their soft skills. Because no one wants a mentor who’s a snob or a jerk.

On top of it, 85% of our mentors don’t charge an extra fee. Why?

The short answer: Because they want to help people.

The long answer is because…

  • They enjoy sharing their knowledge
  • They learn from their mentees
  • They want to be a “force for good” in the business world
  • They want to pay it forward

But don’t just trust our word on it. Hear from the mentors themselves.