Less is More: GROW and Personal OKRs

Posted on 07 Jun 2022
Mindset Coaching
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GROW conversations and personal OKRs for success 

Success is a loaded word. Focus on key priorities. 

Let's have a GROW conversation and curate your personal OKRs for the year. 

1. GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, What’s Next) Conversations 

2. PERSONAL OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) You'll learn:

  • Connect with Div and engage in a GROW conversation
  • Learn to focus on the essentialism - Less is More
  • Create your personal OKRs for success on your terms

The mentors in this video

Div Manickam Mentor | Author | Explorer

Div Manickam is a mindful soul and a believer in simplicity. Like an alchemist, Div loves the magic of bringing two worlds together. From frameworks in product marketing to mentoring, she enjoys sharing her experiences on authentic leadership, mindfulness, product marketing and mental wellbeing.

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