How to execute “Jobs to be Done” user testing

Posted on 03 Dec 2020
FrameworksUser Research

Learn exactly how to use the Jobs to be Done framework to conduct user interviews. Vassilena Valchanova shares her screen and holds nothing back walking us through exactly how she does it.

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About this talk

Jobs to be Done is a theory of consumer action which is a hugely popular framework for understanding the hidden motivations of your target audience so that you can improve your brand, marketing, sales, and overall positioning.

In this talk, Vassilena Valchanova is interviewed by Foti on how she personally conducts her Jobs to be Done research projects for her clients. She walks us through the exact steps and shares her entire process on screenshare.

If you're thinking about using the Jobs to be Done framework to better understand your customers needs, this video is a must watch!

In this talk you will learn

  • What is the "Jobs to be Done" framework and why you should care
  • How many interviews you need to do in order to get conclusive results
  • What exact questions to ask in order to better reveal users motivations
  • Interview best practices so you can understand deeper motivations
  • How to process the raw interviews and turn unstructured data into structured data using qualitative coding
  • And so much more!

The mentors in this video

Vassilena Valchanova Digital Strategist & Trainer - Passionate about Content Marketing and CRO

I’ve spent more than a decade in digital marketing, with a primary focus in e-commerce and SaaS. My last role at a B2C SaaS startup with more than 500,000 registered users. Then I decided to go solo and work as an independent consultant on other exciting projects – and I always like to see new ones!

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