All your questions about mentorship, answered

How can a PPC mentor help me?

Paid ads can be a great way to acquire new users quickly.

But, it definitely comes at a cost.

If you’re a founder operating on a tight budget, you’re probably not too keen on spending tons of money on campaigns that don’t get results. And if you’re a marketer new to PPC, it can be incredibly intimidating to be charged with spending your company’s money right the first time.

On top of all of this, ad algorithms are a black box. There’s no way to know if an ad creative will work or if something about it will reduce the reach.

And complying with all the rules and regulations for each ad platform is a headache, but if you don’t, you’re likely to get banned, sometimes permanently.

When you’re blind on the algorithm’s standards and no one really knows the definite formula for a successful ad, all you can rely on is experience.

That’s exactly what a PPC mentor can give you. Most PPC mentors have run hundreds, if not thousands of campaigns over their years of experience. They know a thing or two about what good ad campaigns and ads look like.

With a mentor, you don’t have to operate on complete guesswork. Instead of spending hours and funneling tons of money into campaigns that don’t work, your PPC mentor can help you gut check your creatives, copy, and campaign setup to make sure you’ve got the best shot at success.

When should I talk to a PPC mentor?

The earlier in your PPC journey that you talk with a mentor, the better.

If you start with a mentor when you’re running your first campaigns, your PPC mentor can guide you from the beginning, helping you avoid costly mistakes. You’ll have a guardrail against complete campaign failure from the start.

But even if you’ve been in PPC for a while, there are still some scenarios a PPC mentor can help you:

  • You’re expanding to a new ad platform and need to learn the ins and outs of it
  • You’ve seen an abrupt negative change in your campaign numbers and need to figure out why
  • You want to experiment with new creative types or campaign strategies
  • You’re pivoting to a new target audience or industry
  • You feel like you have room for improvement with writing ad copy, designing creatives, or building the most effective campaigns

PPC can feel like it’s a gamble. But when you’re armed with a mentor’s advice and expertise, you’ll be able to win, even when the odds are in the house’s favor.

Why should I talk to a mentor rather than just take a course?

Courses and blog articles can teach you the basics of PPC. But, ultimately it’s just theory.

As anyone in the startup world knows, even the best plans rarely survive first contact with reality. Plus, in the world of PPC, how do you know which platform will be best for your company?

The reality? You won’t. So you might spend a ton of time learning Google Ads only to find out you should have been on Youtube or Tiktok instead.

Our mentors can help you avoid those pitfalls. They’re not fluffy theorists. They’ve been in the trenches and been hands-on with the work. They’ve seen fantastic successes, spectacular failures, and everything in-between. They know what works and what doesn’t.

So, you could spend hundreds of hours reading articles, taking courses, and blindly testing out tactic after tactic. Which will probably waste a ton of money.

Or you could shortcut all the frustration and waste by talking to a mentor who has walked the path before. You’ll get advice tailored to your company’s needs, improve your ad campaigns, and have more confidence in your PPC strategies going forward.

Why should I trust GrowthMentor’s mentors?

Excellent question. After all, the “mentorship” world is full of high-priced consultants, armchair analysts who have never done the work themselves, and outright snake-oil salesmen looking to make a quick buck.

But, there are plenty of experts out there who want to share their experience and knowledge. At GrowthMentor, we’re lucky to have 700+ of those experts.

The secret comes from our vetting process. We not only double-vet all of our mentors so only the top 3% makes it through our process, we also look at their soft skills. Because no one wants a mentor who’s a snob or a jerk.

On top of it, 85% of our mentors don’t charge an extra fee. Why?

The short answer: Because they want to help people.

The long answer is because…

  • They enjoy sharing their knowledge
  • They learn from their mentees
  • They want to be a “force for good” in the business world
  • They want to pay it forward

But don’t just trust our word on it. Hear from the mentors themselves.