Exploring the Foundations of Beatoven.ai

Q: Can you introduce your company to us?

A: Beatoven.ai operates in the fascinating field of generative music. We launched in 2021 with a clear mission: to tackle the pervasive issue of music copyright infringement in content creation. Our primary focus is on supporting video content creators on platforms like YouTube, as well as small ad agencies in need of royalty-free music for their projects. Beatoven.ai is intentionally designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. For our subscribers, it all begins with uploading a video to our tool. From there, we leverage computer vision technology to analyze the video content, identifying different scenes and discerning the mood in each one. Based on this analysis, we dynamically score music tailored to each specific part of the video. For instance, if a scene features someone smiling, our system detects this positive moment and pairs it with upbeat, happy music. Conversely, if the next scene shows someone in tears, our technology recognizes the change in mood, categorizing it as tense or sad, and adjusts the music accordingly. The end result is a seamless video-to-music composition, with each scene receiving its unique, mood-appropriate musical score.

Joining Entrepreneur First

Q: What led you to apply to Entrepreneur First?

A: Interestingly, I didn’t actually apply to Entrepreneur First initially; they reached out to me directly through LinkedIn, encouraging me to join their program. At that point, I wasn’t familiar with Entrepreneur First or what they had to offer. Their sales team explained that they were launching their fifth cohort in Bangalore and believed that I would be a great fit for the program. After some research and consideration, I realized that they provided a unique and advantageous opportunity, offering a stipend to explore and develop my idea, and the potential for funding if everything panned out. The program seemed like a fast-track approach to building a company, a stark contrast to the traditional route of figuring everything out on your own. The deal was quite appealing, but it wasn’t just about the funding. The mentorship and community at Entrepreneur First were outstanding, comprising individuals who excelled in their respective fields. The learning and growth potential from networking and collaborating with such talented peers was a huge draw for me.

The Entrepreneur First Application Process

Q: Can you walk us through the application process at Entrepreneur First?

A: The application process began with an initial form interview. They sent me a comprehensive form, which I diligently filled out to initiate the process. Following the form submission, I was invited to participate in two rounds of interviews. These interview sessions were not just about assessing my technical skills or past experiences; they delved deep into my personality and thought processes. The interviewers were particularly interested in understanding my risk-taking capabilities. They posed a variety of hypothetical scenarios, asking how I would navigate through certain challenges, handle specific risks, and make critical decisions under pressure. They also took a keen interest in my past experiences, aiming to uncover instances where I had made significant decisions and showcasing my problem-solving skills. The entire process was intensely focused on understanding my mindset, evaluating how I think, and determining whether I had the resilience and strategic thinking required to thrive in an entrepreneurial setting.

Embarking on the Entrepreneur First Experience

Q: What happens after getting accepted into Entrepreneur First?

A: Upon acceptance, you become a part of an exclusive community of founders, all of whom have been selected for the program based on their potential and drive. The first step is fostering interactions and relationships within this network. The idea is to get to know each other, learn about everyone’s strengths, experiences, and visions. This phase is crucial as it lays the foundation for potential partnerships. The goal for many is to find a co-founder within this talented pool of individuals. By establishing these connections early on, you’re in a better position to kickstart your business journey with a like-minded and equally driven individual by your side. The entire process is designed to not just introduce you to potential business partners but also to integrate you into a community that supports and drives each other towards success.

Q: Can you share the story of how you met your co-founder during the program?

A: My journey to finding a co-founder was a bit unconventional. I didn’t find my co-founder directly within the Entrepreneur First (EF) network. Given the niche nature of our startup in the music space, I believed it would be quite a challenge to find someone with a similar passion and vision within the program. So, I decided to extend my search beyond EF. I reached out on LinkedIn to someone I believed would be a great fit for what we were trying to build. Our connection wasn’t entirely cold, as we had a mutual contact who thought highly of both of us and recommended that we should work together. He encouraged him to apply to the EF program as well, ensuring we could be in the same cohort. It was sort of a unique situation. We knew we wanted to work together before we even figured out what exactly we would be working on. EF played a significant role in that aspect, helping us through their iterative processes to hone in on our business idea and strategy. So yes, he ended up joining the same cohort as me, and from there, everything fell into place, and we started our journey together at Beatoven.ai.

Q: Does Entrepreneur First provide access to a network of experts?

A: EF opens up a world of networking opportunities with experts and mentors, but it’s important to highlight that this access comes in stages. It’s not like you’re immediately handed a golden ticket to all their connections on your first day. Instead, EF carefully observes your commitment and effort in the program. Your access to the network expands as you prove your dedication to your startup’s growth. I noticed this first-hand, comparing my journey to others in the program. Some participants didn’t receive the same level of access, and it was clear that this was tied to the amount of effort they were putting into their projects. In our case, we were determined to make the most out of this program. We consistently pushed for more, sought out advice, asked for introductions, and maximized the resources available to us. This proactive attitude opened more doors for us within EF’s extensive network.

What’s fantastic about EF is that this support doesn’t just end when the program does. Two and a half years down the line, I still reach out to them for introductions and connections, like when I need to get in touch with a fund in Silicon Valley. They’ve always been responsive and helpful. It really underscores the point that what you get out of the program is directly proportional to what you put into it. They’ve created an exceptional program and community, but it’s up to you to seize the opportunities and make the most out of them.

Q: Did Beatoven.ai secure any funding through Entrepreneur First?

A: We were fortunate to secure funding through two different rounds during our time with Entrepreneur First. The program played a crucial role in helping us navigate the fundraising process and connecting us with the necessary resources and investors to propel our startup forward. This financial support has been instrumental in our journey, providing us with the means to further develop our product and scale our operations.

Uncovering the Value Beyond Financial Support

Q: Aside from funding, what were the major benefits Beatoven.ai gained from the program?

A: The Entrepreneur First program provided us with invaluable mentorship and guidance, especially in the crucial early stages of our startup journey. They have a wealth of experience with both successful and failed startups, which has given them a keen understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the startup world. This experience was vital in helping us identify a genuinely impactful problem to solve and ensuring that it was a problem worth solving.

They pushed us hard to scrutinize our problem area, asking critical questions about the problem’s magnitude, its significance, and whether people would be willing to pay for a solution. This rigorous examination helped lay a solid foundation for our business.

Beyond the mentorship, EF also taught us the value of frugality, instilling a culture of doing more with less within our team. This approach has stayed with us, influencing how we operate and allocate resources even as we’ve grown. In my view, while funding is undoubtedly crucial, the mentorship and the mindset of frugality we gained from Entrepreneur First have been just as, if not more, valuable.

Q: During your time in the program, was there a specific moment of realization or inspiration that stood out to you?

A: A standout moment for me was during the initial phase of the program, where Entrepreneur First placed a strong emphasis on customer development. They consistently encouraged us to engage in conversations with users and potential customers.

This relentless focus on customer interaction led to a pivotal realization. As we kept delving deeper into these discussions, patterns started to emerge. We began to hear the same concerns and issues being repeated across various conversations. It was like pieces of a puzzle falling into place, and that was a kind of eureka moment for us. We realized that the problem we were pursuing was not just significant but widespread. People cared about it, and it had the potential to be the foundation of a large-scale business. This realization was both surprising and inspiring, and it played a crucial role in shaping our journey and our approach to solving the problem at hand.

Current Developments and Future Goals at Beatoven.ai

Q: Can you provide an update on Beatoven.ai’s current status and the primary focus of the company?

A: Over the past two and a half years, we’ve established ourselves as pioneers in this domain, even before generative AI truly took off in popularity. Today, we’re proud to have amassed a global user base exceeding 600,000 individuals who trust and utilize our platform for their creative endeavors. Currently, Beatoven.ai operates primarily as a B2C business, focusing predominantly on content creators and small ad agencies. Our biggest challenge at the moment revolves around user retention; we are diligently working to keep our users engaged and satisfied with our platform.

Alongside this, we are investing significant effort into technological development. The goal is to enhance the quality of the music generated by our platform and improve the overall product experience for our users. We’re well aware that the AI industry is progressing rapidly, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. To stay ahead and continue providing exceptional value to our users, we need to be at the top of our game, innovating and improving continuously.

Q: Can you share more about the team size at Beatoven.ai and any plans for expansion?

A: We are a robust team of 17 members, all dedicated to driving Beatoven.ai’s mission forward. In terms of expanding our team, we might consider it at a later stage. However, it is crucial for us to maintain a small, efficient team. We’ve found that smaller teams tend to be more effective, fostering better communication and agility, which is essential in the fast-paced world of AI and music generation.

Q: Can you delve into the growth channels Beatoven.ai employed and their effectiveness?

A: Beatoven.ai’s journey to acquiring 600,000 users has been predominantly organic, with zero marketing expenditure. We adopted a strategic growth model that continually feeds itself. Initially, we provided free access to our tool for the first six months, alongside a pricing page. Despite being free, we ensured the free version was generously packed with features. However, we asked our users to credit “music from Beatoven.tv” in their videos or Instagram posts if they were using our tool for free. This strategy significantly boosted our brand’s visibility and contributed to viral growth. Today, Beatoven.ai stands as the second global player in our market in terms of website traffic. Another crucial growth channel for us has been Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We consistently optimize for keywords like “AI music generator,” “free AI music generator,” and “AI music.” Currently, we rank between the second and third positions when users search for these terms.

We have also explored influencer marketing, reaping long-term benefits. Although we initiated some paid influencer campaigns last year, it eventually transitioned into an organic channel as larger influencers started creating content about us, inspired by those paid promotions. These have been our primary growth channels, each contributing significantly to our user base and brand awareness.

Final Tips

Q: Do you have any advice for founders considering applying to Entrepreneur First?

A: EF places a significant emphasis on identifying and nurturing an individual’s core talent. Every person has something unique to offer, especially when it comes to their specific field of expertise. For instance, my background in music spans 20 years, and my family has been involved in the music industry for seven generations. This has provided me with a profound understanding of the music business, something that not many of my acquaintances possess. Capitalizing on your existing knowledge and skills is a strategy that is often overlooked, yet it holds immense potential for building substantial businesses. It’s about leveraging that unique insight you have in a particular field, whether it be music, pharmaceuticals, banking, or any other industry. Utilizing what you already know as a foundation can lead to the creation of something truly significant. So, my advice to potential EF applicants would be to recognize and build upon their distinctive strengths and knowledge areas. This approach can serve as a powerful catalyst in their entrepreneurial journey.