Introducing Pillio and George

Q: Can you give us some background on Pillio?

A: Pillio is what we like to call the healthcare co-pilot. Our main focus is tackling the problem of disconnect in the healthcare community. Let’s take patients with chronic illness as an example. They usually have a whole squad of medical professionals around them—doctors, specialists, pharmacists, nurses. These folks are all doing their best to help the patient, but communication among them can be a mess. It’s not just a problem in Germany, where I am now; it’s a global issue.

Believe it or not, fax machines are still being used for communication, and that’s causing a lot of wasted time and energy. At Pillio, our vision is to bridge these gaps. We’re streamlining the way healthcare practitioners interact, making sure the right information gets into the right hands at the right time. We’re in the early stages, but we’re committed to creating a connected healthcare ecosystem.

Why Antler?

Q: What made you decide to apply to the Antler accelerator?

A: A couple of years back, I faced the challenge of finding the right people to team up with. You see, once you’ve got some years under your belt in your career, stumbling upon like-minded individuals isn’t that easy. Not everyone’s cut out for the startup grind. You could either spend a ton of time having coffee chats to find your dream team, or you could speed up that whole ordeal. That’s where Antler comes in.

Antler does the heavy lifting for you. They screen potential co-founders, saving you from endless coffee shop meetups. Basically, they collect a group of people who all have something awesome to bring to the table and put them in the same room. It’s like this hub where everything is streamlined to get you connected with the right folks at the right time. So, it was a no-brainer for me to go with them.

Antler Application Process

Q: Can you describe the application process for Antler?

A: The process might vary depending on where you’re applying from because Antler has locations all over the place. For me, it was super straightforward—just two calls and I was in. But remember, I had some years in my career and some startup experience, so that probably helped. I’ve heard some folks go through tests, but I didn’t have to.

It felt like Antler knows how to sift through applicants effectively just by having a chat. So in my experience, the process was pretty breezy. They seem to have a knack for figuring out who’ll fit in based on conversation alone.

Inside Antler’s Program

Q: What happens after you get accepted into the Antler program?

A: Once you’re in, hold onto your hat because Antler is intense. Think of it like a boot camp that’s prepping you for the startup world. You’re looking at 12-hour days filled with coordinated sessions, challenges, and a whole lot of mingling. They divide you into these micro-teams to work on solving various problems. The idea is to put you under pressure so you can figure out who you jive with and who you don’t.

The experience is sort of like if the TV shows ‘Survivor’ and ‘Shark Tank’ had a baby and that baby ran for three months straight. During this time, you’ll see people drop out; it’s intense. If you survive the first three months, you’ve hopefully found folks you can gel with. And by ‘gel,’ I mean you’re both interested enough in similar startup ventures to actually pitch an idea together.
It’s not just about your pitch though; they’re watching you the whole time. Are you proactive? Are you pushing the envelope? They take note. The icing on the cake is that if your pitch is successful, you also get funding to kickstart your idea. So, it’s a jam-packed, whirlwind experience, but it’s efficient and highly rewarding if you make it through.

Q: How much funding did Antler provide and what was the equity arrangement?

A: In Berlin, where I was, the equity they take is around 11% if I remember correctly. The U.S. is the only place that might have better terms. The funding amount can vary depending on the location, but overall, it’s a fair deal for the level of support and resources you get from Antler.
If you were to get, let’s say, $100k in seed money elsewhere for 10% equity, you might wonder about the value comparison.

But with Antler, it’s not just about the money; it’s the whole package—networking, mentorship, finding the right team, and the list goes on. So in the grand scheme of things, it’s a pretty good deal. Just a heads-up though, these terms might change, so always double-check the specifics.

Q: Did Antler offer mentorship sessions as part of their program?

A: Absolutely! Mentorship is a big slice of the Antler pie. Once you’re in, you’re tapped into this massive global network of experts, and advisors. They speed up a networking process that could otherwise take you months or years. During the program, they call them “office hours”—you get to sit down with a wide range of experts to dig deep into specific topics like product development or marketing.

After the program, one of the core partners usually sticks around as an advisor. And it’s not just professional growth; there’s a lot of personal discovery happening. You find out pretty quickly if you’re really cut out for the startup life. The people who were fully committed, they’re the ones who generally came out on top. But don’t write off the underdogs; some of them surprise you. It’s a whole mixed bag of aha moments, to be honest.

Pillio team photo

Current Status of George’s Company

Q: How is the company doing today?

A: We’re navigating through some rough patches but staying strong; that’s just how startups roll. On the bright side, we’ve recently joined the Early Bird accelerator, which gives us a boost of optimism. Their program is a real asset for us, especially because breaking into healthcare is no easy feat. We’re making key connections, prioritizing warm intros over cold calls, and tapping into all available networks, including Antler and Early Bird.

As far as fundraising goes, it’s always on the radar. We’ve hit pause on the formal process but plan to get the ball rolling again by December or January. Our line is always open to anyone keen to discuss opportunities.

Team-wise, we’re a cohesive unit of three with diverse talents in sales strategy, product marketing, and engineering. While we’ve got our eyes on future expansion, our current focus is maximizing the potential of the team we have.

Final Thoughts on Applying to Antler

Q: Do you have any final tips for founders thinking of applying to Antler?

A: If you’re on the fence, you’ve got to dive deep and ask yourself if you truly want this. The startup world isn’t a walk in the park; it’s a grind. And if you feel that itch, that gut feeling that you’re ready to face the challenges, then don’t hold back. Don’t get caught up in the financials or other what-ifs. Just go for it. Times are tough, always have been in some way, but if you’re committed, Antler can be a game-changer for you. So, if you’re ready for the rollercoaster, absolutely do it.