Introducing Pal and Nara

Q: Can you give us a little background of your company?

A: I’m Nara Moripen, and my company’s name is Pal. We’re in the digital health space, building solutions for people requiring palliative care. It’s a digital palliative care platform for patients with life-limiting illnesses and for their close family members and friends. The aim is to help them take better care of themselves and connect them more effectively with the healthcare system and the resources they need.

Q: Why did you decide to apply to Antler?

A: I applied to the Antler Accelerator in August 2021. Initially, I was planning to take a short sabbatical from work as a management consultant. However, seeing some colleagues from my network successfully navigate the accelerator in Oslo inspired me. The application process was straightforward: an online form, a few questions, and my CV. After that, I had a quick interview with a founder scout, discussing motivations, past experiences, and potential startup ideas. Following this was a final interview with one of the Antler Netherlands partners.

Even without entrepreneurial experience, they appreciated my consultant background and understood my strong work ethic. From my consulting days, my niche in healthcare and digital health played a significant role. Even though the ideas I was initially passionate about didn’t become my primary focus, my drive, passion, and energy were evident.

After Getting In

Q: And what happens after you get accepted? What is the curriculum of the program like?

A: So after getting accepted, you’re introduced to a pre-program. Everyone joins a large Slack group where accepted founders interact, and they keep adding new members as they continue to accept on a rolling basis. We were encouraged to start networking with other founders. It’s a bit like speed dating, in a way. You quickly start identifying people you might potentially collaborate with.

Q: So this is where you met your co-founder as well?

A: Yes, I met my co-founder during this networking phase. We went out for drinks with a few other founders, but at that point, we hadn’t decided to work together yet.

Q: Does the program include introductory or educational sessions?

A: When the main program starts, there are some educational sessions. They don’t overly hand-hold you through entrepreneurship, but they do bring in experienced founders, VCs, and experts to provide insights. They educate you on topics like how to set up a business in the Netherlands. Also, there’s coaching from the Antler team and partners. Initially, it’s more about assessing your ideas. Once you find your partner and decide on a direction, the coaching becomes more intensive.

The Money and Other Benefits

Q: Did you get any funding prize from the programme? Can you disclose how much and how much equity Antler took?

A: Yes, many participants teamed up during the program and went through different stages. At the end of the program, we faced an investment committee. About eight teams made it to this stage, and three were selected to receive funding. We secured an investment of around 100,000 USD from them. It’s essential to note that this wasn’t a prize; Antler became an investor in our company.

Q: And apart from the money, what were the biggest benefits you got from the program?

A: Meeting my co-founder was the most significant benefit. I can’t imagine where else I’d find such a vast pool of potential co-founders. While the program doesn’t dictate every step, it pushes you to refine your business plan, pitch deck, and ideas. They ensure you validate every aspect of your concept. This process probably would have taken much longer outside the program.

Q: Do you have any aha moment that you want to share with us? Anything that surprised or inspired you during the program?

A: My primary realization, especially coming from outside the entrepreneurial sphere, was that everyone’s trying to figure things out. We often hear tales about VCs and founders, and it seems overwhelming. But during the Antler program, I understood that it’s okay not always to know the next step. Many are “winging it,” and realizing that gave me and my co-founder confidence in our journey.

Life After Antler

Q: What is the status of the company now?

A: At the moment, we have been able to raise another funding round. We’re getting very close to launching, which is exciting. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from our users in beta so far. We’re a small team of five people. We’re managing with the resources we have.

Q: Regarding growth, do you have any specific growth channels that help you increase your pool of better testers and upcoming customers?

A: One channel that has been the most effective for us has been subreddits. We’ve been members of different subreddits for a really long time, ever since the Antler program. We’ve involved many people there from the beginning, from understanding their challenges to testing our product. We’re now setting up our content marketing and building a blog and content. LinkedIn has helped reach potential partners and investors. We’re still experimenting with Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok but have seen some results.

Word to the Wise

Q: Any final tip for founders considering applying to Antler?

A: Just do it. The program’s first three weeks are crucial for finding your idea and co-founders. I joined without any entrepreneurial experience and no idea, and now I have an amazing team and product. I’d say just jump in, and you can second-guess it later.