All your questions about mentorship, answered

Why should I talk to an SEO mentor?

SEO is an intimidating field, mostly because it’s full of unknowns.

Google’s algorithm is a black box that changes with every update, making SEO feel a bit like figuring out how to pick a lock that alters itself while you’re working on it.

Now add in that SEO is a long-term play by nature and efforts can sometimes take months to show results.

No wonder so many people quit trying to make SEO “work” for their company after only a couple of months.

Even if you can handle the uncertainty and resist pulling out your hair while you wait for results, you’ll run into other SEO questions like:

  • Do you spend time optimizing your site for technical SEO? How do you do technical optimization?
  • Which keywords should you target?
  • Should you focus on the bottom of the funnel, middle of the funnel, or high-volume top-of-funnel keywords?
  • What happens if Google continues to encourage zero-click searches with featured snippets?

Don’t let the uncertainty overwhelm you. Talk to an SEO mentor instead.

What can an SEO mentor do for me?

Trying to learn SEO can feel like navigating a massive ocean.

But whether you’ve just started with SEO or if you’ve been using the channel for a while, an SEO mentor can give you a map of the territory.

An SEO mentor can narrow the field down to what you really need to learn, saving you from slogging through huge courses where only a small amount of it applies to your business.

Your mentor will assess your current efforts, take into account your company size and resources available, then walk you through the exact steps you need to take to make an impact.

They’ll also help estimate how long certain tactics will take to work so you don’t have to worry about whether you’ve executed the wrong way or if it’s simply a question of time.

And because SEO mentors take a “done with you” approach, you’ll be able to learn from their years of experience and understand the “why” behind SEO tactics, illuminating a bit of that black box at a time.

Should I talk to an SEO mentor now?

If your company is solely acquiring users through paid ads and unindexed landing pages, you can probably get by without knowing SEO.

But if you’re acquiring users through:

  • Content marketing
  • Organic social channels
  • Word of mouth
  • PR methods

You need to know SEO. It’s only going to boost the effectiveness of all of these other channels.

Without it, you’re leaving money on the table.

And yes, even if you’re a brick-and-mortar or localized service business, you need to understand SEO, at least in the realm of local SEO.

Fortunately, most of us don’t have to be experts in all things SEO. It’s simply a matter of figuring out what parts of SEO interact with your primary marketing channels so you can then optimize.

An SEO mentor can help you do exactly that in far less time than the DIY route.

The sooner you talk to an SEO mentor, the better, so why wait around?