What is MatchKit?

Q: Could you introduce yourself and your startup?

A: I’m Ben Karpinski, one of the co-founders of Matchkit.co. We’ve created a unique online platform specifically for athletes. Our goal is to help these professionals better monetize their careers, providing them with the tools and support they need to thrive in today’s digital world.

Q: How did the concept for your startup come about?

A: The idea for MatchKit came from our personal experiences and connections in sports. My partners and I have diverse backgrounds in sports. For instance, one of our partners is an ex-international rugby player, serving as a prime example of a successful international athlete. Our team combines strengths in PR, marketing, and brand partnerships within the sports industry. We noticed a significant gap in the market.

While the top 1% of athletes have excellent management and numerous commercial offers, the majority are often left uncertain about how to effectively commercialize and leverage their profiles. Many athletes struggle with making themselves attractive to brands and sponsors. Similarly, brands are frequently unsure about which athletes align best with their values and goals.

MatchKit aims to bridge this gap. We provide a platform that helps athletes enhance their marketability and assists brands in finding the right sports personalities to align with. Our goal is to optimize the relationship between athletes, rights holders, stakeholders, and brands in the sporting world, ensuring mutual benefits and growth.


Why Startupbootcamp?

Q: Why did you decide to join the Startupbootcamp program?

A: Joining Startupbootcamp was a strategic decision driven by several factors. Primarily, their presence in Australasia was a key attraction for us, especially since we’re based in South Africa and lacked that kind of reach. Startupbootcamp’s extensive network, including its connections with various sporting organizations and administrative authorities, presented a valuable opportunity for us to expand our reach and influence. Participating in Startupbootcamp exposed us to diverse business practices in the sports industry. When running a startup, it’s easy to become tunnel-visioned, focused solely on your idea and execution. However, collaborating with people who approach business differently is enlightening. It prompted us to critically evaluate our strategies, assess our value in the market, and most importantly, plan our next steps for entering new markets and scaling effectively. Startupbootcamp provided a comprehensive environment that addressed all these aspects. Additionally, the friendly and welcoming nature of the people at Startupbootcamp greatly facilitated our introduction and integration into their network.

Startupbootcamp Application Process

Q: Could you explain the application process for Startupbootcamp?

A: The application process for Startupbootcamp was impressively thorough. It’s more than just a formality; it’s about forming a partnership with an incubator and a cohort, which requires depth and sincerity. They delved deep into understanding our business—our operations, goals, and methodologies. It wasn’t just about the superficial aspects of our startup; they were genuinely interested in the core of what we do and how we do it. But perhaps more importantly, they focused on understanding us as individuals. In the entrepreneurial world, while there are plenty of innovative ideas, it’s rarer to find people who are consistently true to their vision and goals. This was a crucial part of the application and signup process. It ensured that there was mutual understanding and alignment of values and intentions between us and Startupbootcamp. In any partnership, it’s essential to know that you can work well with the other party and trust their ethos. Through this process, we gained a good understanding of Startupbootcamp, and we believe they got a clear insight into who we are and what we stand for.

Q: During the application process, what aspects of your team made you stand out?

A: What really distinguished us in the application process was our team’s genuine enthusiasm for our product, combined with the unique strengths each member brought to the table. For instance, my role involves direct engagement with athletes and content creation, focusing on the visual aspects of our platform. My partners, on the other hand, have a strong orientation towards the technological and business sides. They excel in packaging our business in a way that is appealing to potential investors. This diversity in our team’s skills and passions played a crucial role in the application process. When presenting ourselves as a business, it’s important to show that each aspect of our operation is not only well-thought-out but is also passionately championed by someone who is deeply committed and skilled in that area. This comprehensive and enthusiastic approach helped us to effectively communicate our vision and the robustness of our team during the application phase.

Inside Startupbootcamp Program

Q: Could you describe your experience with the Startupbootcamp program?

A: Our experience with Startupbootcamp during the COVID-19 period was a unique blend of virtual and in-person interactions. Initially, much of our interaction was online, including Zoom calls, online meet-and-greets, and group sessions. This virtual setup was essential due to the pandemic, but the program also included crucial in-person elements. For instance, one of my partners attended a week-long gathering in Singapore, bringing together participants from various parts of the world like America, India, Europe, Australasia, South America, and Africa. This face-to-face interaction added a valuable dimension to our learning and networking. We had the opportunity to engage directly with others, fostering a deeper level of connection.

The program extended to a week in Melbourne, a city renowned for its significance in the sports world. There, we met with influential figures in sports, such as the head of Formula One in Melbourne, gaining insights into event management and potential opportunities for our platform. Our journey continued to Brisbane, where we participated in seminars and networking events. These were strategically designed to align with our business interests and facilitate connections with relevant industry professionals. Startupbootcamp’s approach was thoughtful and well-considered. Even though it included various businesses with diverse focus areas, the program was tailored to ensure relevancy and value for each participant. This comprehensive understanding of the sports industry, combined with the freedom and flexibility provided to us, was instrumental in our growth. We were encouraged to explore, network, and learn independently, which I believe is crucial in the entrepreneurial journey. The balance between structured learning and the liberty to pursue our own interests and make mistakes was a key aspect of the program’s effectiveness.

Q: What was your access to mentors and the broader network like?

A: At Startupbootcamp, mentorship and networking were key components of our experience. Initially, we were assigned a direct team of mentors from the Startupbootcamp. These mentors were crucial in guiding us through the initial phases of the program. However, the in-person events expanded our mentorship opportunities significantly. We met numerous individuals who were aligned with Startupbootcamp’s mission. These encounters weren’t just incidental; they were orchestrated so that if we requested one-on-one time with any of these mentors, it was facilitated. This personalized approach was particularly beneficial. For instance, if we found a speaker’s experience or expertise relevant to our business, we had the opportunity to connect with them. This access extended beyond the immediate network, enabling us to reach out to a broader range of professionals. Time is a critical resource in entrepreneurship, and Startupbootcamp understood this. They were proactive in ensuring that scheduling conflicts didn’t impede our access to mentors. Their assistance in coordinating meetings and follow-ups was invaluable, especially considering the busy schedules of successful entrepreneurs and mentors.

This diverse network of mentors and entrepreneurs, ranging from those just starting out to those with multimillion-dollar exits, provided a rich learning environment. Interestingly, we found that the most successful individuals were often the most generous with their time and insights. Whether it was due to their stage in life or their views on mentorship, their willingness to share knowledge was refreshing and incredibly productive. This aspect of Startupbootcamp not only facilitated learning but also emphasized the importance of a strong network in the entrepreneurial journey.

Q: Did Startupbootcamp provide funding as part of the program?

A: Yes, Startupbootcamp did offer initial funding to each selected company. This funding was primarily intended to ensure that we could fully participate in all aspects of the program. For instance, it covered the costs of trips to Singapore and Australia, which were essential for networking and meeting industry professionals. These trips, while incredibly valuable, were also expensive, and the funding from Startupbootcamp made it feasible for us to be all in.

Regarding additional funding beyond this initial amount, it depended largely on the individual business needs of each startup. Some companies entered the cohort with a clear goal of raising a certain amount of capital, and Startupbootcamp was prepared to assist in this endeavor. In our case with MatchKit, securing immediate funding wasn’t our top priority. While it’s common for startups to focus on funding, we were more interested in building our network and validating our business concept. We wanted to stress-test our ideas and understand our value in the market before seeking significant financial investment. Startupbootcamp also provided extensive teaching and coaching on various aspects of funding. This included guidance on how to approach funding, managing financials, and demonstrating value to potential investors. These lessons were invaluable and have had a lasting impact on how we manage and grow our business.

Q: How much funding is provided by Startupbootcamp?

A: I can confirm that a modest sum was provided, which was in exchange for a small percentage of equity in our company. This arrangement wasn’t just about Startupbootcamp seeking a return on their investment; it was more about establishing a practical and meaningful partnership. We’ve encountered different types of funding arrangements in the past, where investors were content with providing capital in exchange for access to our insights and network in the sports industry. But with Startupbootcamp, their approach was distinctively long-term. The funding and equity exchange signified their commitment to not just a fleeting engagement but to a sustained relationship. They made it clear that being part of their cohort was not a one-year affair but an entry into their broader network. This approach underscored Startupbootcamp’s dedication to genuinely supporting startups, not merely for the sake of having impressive associations but to foster real growth and development. It was a reassuring aspect of our partnership, demonstrating their intent and commitment to the success of the startups they work with.

Achieving Milestones and Overcoming Challenges

Q: Did you achieve any significant milestones during the Startupbootcamp program,?

A: Reflecting on the Startupbootcamp journey, identifying our significant milestones is challenging because our goals and strategies are continuously evolving. However, a key achievement for us was gaining clarity about our team’s cohesion and capability. Often in entrepreneurship, there’s a glamorization of the struggle and the hard work involved, but for us, a pivotal realization was the strength and compatibility of our team. Throughout Startupbootcamp, we acknowledged that success isn’t just about having skilled individuals; it’s about how well these individuals work together. The dynamics within our team were thoroughly assessed during the program. There were times when some team members worked harder than others, and moments when sacrifices varied across the team. But by the end of the program, I was confident that we had the right people for our mission. This assurance, knowing we are in business with the right individuals, was a significant milestone for us.

Regarding funding, it wasn’t our primary focus during the program. However, in terms of networking, I believe we maximized our opportunities. We actively pursued conversations, followed up on ideas, and explored proposals. One of our major accomplishments was leaving no stone unturned in leveraging the resources and connections available to us. I’m particularly proud of how our team capitalized on these opportunities, making the most of the network and knowledge provided by Startupbootcamp.

Q: What challenges did you face during the Startupbootcamp program?

A: One of the main challenges we faced in Startupbootcamp was maintaining consistent intensity and focus. Being an entrepreneur often means juggling multiple responsibilities and commitments. For many of us, our involvement with the startup wasn’t our only professional endeavor. We had other careers and obligations to manage simultaneously. This reality brought about the challenge of sustaining enthusiasm and dedication, especially during periods when the tasks at hand might not have been the most stimulating.

The key question was how to remain motivated and give our utmost attention to the program, despite these varying levels of stimulation. Startupbootcamp was structured to be engaging without being overwhelmingly intensive, striking a balance that kept us consistently involved. However, the challenge for me, personally, was maintaining that high level of intensity to ensure we derived the maximum benefit from the program. Reflecting critically, I think this was a valuable learning experience – understanding how to stay driven and focused amidst the diverse demands of entrepreneurship was a significant takeaway for me.

Current Status and Future Goals of MatchKit

Q: What is the current state of your company and what are your goals for the near future?

A: Following our experience with Startupbootcamp, our understanding of our business direction and client base has evolved. In the months following the program, especially as we re-engaged with our market in South Africa, we’ve noticed significant shifts. Although we initially hoped for faster financial progress, the reality has been different, with slower initial traction than expected. However, this has been a valuable lesson, highlighting that our original concept might not be the final successful formula. Presently, we’re operating as a leaner and more focused team. The broad approach we initially took, aiming to cater to a wide range of athletes across various sports, has shifted. Our experiences, including those from Startupbootcamp, have guided us to adopt a more niche focus in our offerings.

As we move into 2024, we are proceeding with a simplified and clearer plan, thanks to our ability to critically assess what’s working and what isn’t. The skills and systems we acquired from Startupbootcamp have been instrumental in facilitating honest and productive discussions within our team. It’s easy to become emotionally attached to a startup, making it challenging to make tough decisions. However, we’ve successfully navigated these difficult conversations in recent months, leading to a transformative mindset shift. Financially and in terms of traditional success metrics, we may not be where we aimed to be initially. But we’ve reached a pivotal make-or-break point where our efforts are more targeted and deliberate, rather than scattered and uncertain. This focused approach marks a positive and promising phase for us as we continue to adapt and grow.

Final Advice for Prospective Startupbootcamp Applicants

Q: What advice would you offer to founders considering applying to Startupbootcamp?

A: For anyone thinking of applying to Startupbootcamp or embarking on a small business venture, my advice is to maintain a realistic perspective about your idea or business. It might sound a bit pessimistic, but it’s important to recognize that what you currently have, regardless of how great it seems, isn’t necessarily special yet. It’s not just about having a brilliant idea, immense passion, or a successful track record in other businesses. The true measure of your concept’s worth is in the impact of your actions. Consistently question whether your efforts are making a tangible difference. There may be periods where it feels like your actions aren’t yielding results, but persistence and self-scrutiny are key. It’s crucial to continually put yourself in the shoes of your target audience or customer. For instance, in my business, I often view our services from the perspective of a professional athlete, asking myself if what we offer is genuinely beneficial and desirable.

This approach should be universal, regardless of your business field or product. Ask yourself daily if you would personally buy, talk about, and believe in your product or service. If you find yourself hesitating to answer these questions, or if the answers are not affirmative, it may be time to significantly alter your business strategy. While this level of self-critique can be challenging and potentially stressful, it’s a vital exercise. It helps ensure that your actions are impactful and that you genuinely believe in and would invest in your product or service as if you were a customer.