Meet Sarp and Beynex

Q: Can you briefly describe your startup, Beynex?

A: I’m Sarp, co-founder and co-CEO of Beynex. Beynex is an AI-powered brain health app aimed at extending brain health span. Our life span is increasing rapidly, but our brain health isn’t keeping pace, so we focus on this area. It all started as an academic project by Prof. Türker Şahiner, who is now our Chief Scientific Officer. We’ve built our technology on this foundation, including scientifically backed gamified assessment tests to track cognitive health. Additionally, we’ve launched an AI coach for lifestyle guidance to reduce our users’ cognitive risks and help them achieve brain longevity.

Q: What inspired you to develop Beynex?

A: A key motivator is that each founder has intimately understood the problem through the direct experiences of a loved one. This situation, coupled with our professor’s academic work, drove us to focus on early detection and prevention. Beynex isn’t just about stimulating the brain; it’s about overall lifestyle choices, including physical activity, nutrition, socializing, and being part of something meaningful. These aspects are crucial for maintaining cognitive health.

Choosing Startup Wise Guys

Q: Why did you choose Startup Wise Guys for your accelerator journey?

A: As first-time entrepreneurs, we sought a business and personal growth accelerator. Startup Wise Guys stood out due to its expansive network and proven European success. We applied to multiple accelerators and were invited by a few, but Startup Wise Guys was the clear choice. They have a multi-stage application process focusing on team, vision, and market potential. The process includes events resembling speed dating with directors, challenging discussions about various business aspects, and streamlined due diligence. Their approach was very human-centric, with deep conversations extending beyond business to personal and mental health. This human touch is a significant aspect of the Startup Wise Guys experience.

After Getting In

Q: What does the program at Startup Wise Guys involve after joining?

A: The journey with Startup Wise Guys begins with an onboarding process and goal setting, but it’s important to note the time commitment required. The program demands significant time, affecting the management of daily business operations. It offers comprehensive sessions on growth, marketing, sales, team building, and goal setting, along with personalized mentorship sessions. These one-on-one sessions are invaluable for deep diving into specific business aspects. For early-stage startups, expect a substantial amount of homework to refine various business elements, like understanding your target audience and finding your true value proposition. Regarding funding, different Startup Wise Guys programs may offer different amounts.Our initial funding was crucial for our early operations and subsequently attracted interest from VCs and angels, creating a domino effect in our funding journey.

Achievements and Lessons from the Accelerator

Q: Looking back, what are some key milestones or lessons from your accelerator experience?

A: One of our key milestones was pinpointing our target audience and optimizing our user acquisition strategies. The accelerator played a crucial role in helping us understand our users’ needs and boosting our confidence. In the challenging startup landscape, keeping morale high is essential, and Startup Wise Guys was instrumental in ensuring we didn’t get overwhelmed by daily business hurdles. Their support in maintaining our team’s spirit and building confidence was a standout aspect of our experience.


Beynex Founders photo

Q: What were some of the challenges you faced during the program and how did you overcome them?

A: The most significant challenge in the Startup Wise Guys program was its time-consuming nature. The activities, including homework and strategic planning, were crucial for our business development but required intense time investment. Managing our day-to-day operations alongside these tasks was demanding. We often found ourselves trying to balance the program and business needs. This made the five-month period sometimes hectic and work-intensive. Efficiently managing our time, balancing these demands, and maintaining progress in both the accelerator program and our business operations were crucial.

Q: Can you update us on Beynex’s status post-accelerator?

A: Since completing the accelerator program, Beynex has made significant strides. We have built and integrated a proprietary AI algorithm into our app, enhancing its functionality and user experience. In addition, we have completed a couple of scientific validation studies and strengthened the scientific foundations of our gamified cognitive assessments. Beynex now offers a holistic detection and prevention service that extends brain health span. The users love the new version, as evident through our high retention numbers, indicating that we’re ready to capture a larger audience. We aim to validate the product-market fit signals and transition into the scaling stage. Now, we’re gearing up for growth.

Q: What is your long-term vision for Beynex, and how has the accelerator influenced this vision?

A: Our long-term vision transcends business goals. With 10 million new dementia cases globally each year, and nearly 40% preventable through lifestyle changes, our aim is to reduce cognitive risks and improve brain health span significantly. This is particularly crucial for Generation X, who are both caregivers for aging parents and supporters of their children. This is why they are called the sandwich generation. They’re a vital link between generations, and maintaining their cognitive health is essential for societal dynamics. The accelerator has reinforced this vision by helping us to identify the right audience. Our role is to ensure that longer life spans are accompanied by sustained mental agility and independence, which are crucial for societal well-being.

Advice for Startups Considering Accelerators

Q: What advice would you give to startups applying for Startup Wise Guys or similar accelerators?

A: For founders considering accelerators, setting clear, achievable goals for what you want to gain from the program is vital. Be prepared for a very time-consuming process, balancing accelerator requirements with day-to-day business operations. During these five months, focus on understanding your value proposition and customer pain points. The accelerator journey is a process of self-discovery and refining your business model. Therefore, it’s crucial to pace your execution thoughtfully. This guidance specifically applies to early-stage startups in accelerators, where deliberate progress is key. In other contexts, prioritize rapid execution and swift iteration for optimal results.