Introducing Clarissa from The Hair Routine

Q: Could you introduce yourself and tell us about The Hair Routine?

A: I’m Clarissa, the founder of The Hair Routine, a hair care company. Our focus is on guiding people to care for their hair in the best way possible, tailored to their specific hair type. We offer products through a subscription model, emphasizing consistent and everyday hair care rather than just for special occasions or events. The Hair Routine was founded in 2017, and its journey began through the Founder Institute, an incubator with a global presence. I participated in the Canadian chapter, based in Montreal. Our aim is to revolutionize the way people approach hair care by providing personalized routines and high-quality products that cater to the unique needs of each individual’s hair.

Q: What inspired you to start The Hair Routine?

A: My inspiration for starting The Hair Routine stemmed from the cultural differences in hair care I observed between Brazil, my home country, and North America, where I moved to. In North America, there’s a strong focus on styling, often characterized by the use of hairsprays and creating looks that are impressive for a night but don’t last. I noticed a general sense of frustration and dissatisfaction among women with their hair care routines here. In contrast, Brazil has a deeply ingrained culture of nurturing and maintaining healthy hair as part of daily life. Hair care in Brazil is about consistent treatment and maintenance, not just styling for special occasions. This approach ensures that the hair remains healthy and vibrant at all times. My experiences and observations made me realize there was a gap in the market, particularly in North America, for a company that focuses on hair treatments and educating people about maintaining healthy hair.

This cultural insight, combined with my personal experiences, such as my grandmother using natural ingredients like coconut oil and fruit mixtures for hair care, led to the idea behind The Hair Routine. I wanted to bring this rich Brazilian hair care culture, which emphasizes regular hair treatments, to a broader audience. In Brazil, hair care is as significant as skincare is in Korea. Recognizing this, I saw an opportunity to introduce a different perspective on hair care – one that focuses on long-term health and beauty rather than just temporary styling.

The Hair Routine founder photo

Choosing Founder Institute for The Hair Routine

Q: Why did you choose the Founder Institute for your startup?

A: My path to joining the Founder Institute was somewhat unexpected. At the time, I wasn’t actively searching for an incubator. I had this budding idea about a haircare venture, but its exact form was still unclear. My entry into the Founder Institute began at a startup event where I was introduced to the director of the Montreal chapter. This encounter was serendipitous, as we both spoke Spanish, which helped us connect despite my limited English proficiency at the time. During our conversation, I shared my idea in Spanish, although I wasn’t familiar with the formal pitching process. The director, not fully grasping my idea initially, sent me an article the next day about a hair care company that had successfully raised significant funding. This gesture validated the potential of my concept and prompted him to send me the Founder Institute’s website. Encouraged by this interaction, I decided to apply to the Founder Institute. My application was successful, which is why I joined their program. This decision was largely influenced by the director’s encouragement and the realization that my idea might have more potential than I initially thought. The Founder Institute provided me with the right platform to refine my idea and develop it into a viable business, despite my initial uncertainty about joining an incubator.

The Application Process for Joining the Founder Institute

Q: What was the application process like for the Founder Institute?

A: The application process for the Founder Institute was fairly straightforward but comprehensive. It involved answering a series of questions about my business idea, my motivations for becoming an entrepreneur, and why I believed I was the right person to bring this idea to life. These questions were aimed at understanding my perspective and vision for the business. Additionally, there was a lengthy personality test included in the application. This test was designed to assess the entrepreneurial DNA of the applicants, delving into various aspects of personality and mindset that are relevant to entrepreneurship. As for the interviews, there weren’t many follow-ups after the application. The process was quite direct – based on the application and the results of the personality test, the decision was either acceptance or rejection. I don’t recall going through multiple rounds of interviews; it was more about the evaluation of my written responses and the outcomes of the personality assessment. This approach allowed the Founder Institute to gauge the potential and readiness of the applicants to embark on the entrepreneurial journey.

The Role of Founder Institute in The Hair Routine’s Development

Q: How did the Founder Institute contribute to the development of your business, and did they provide any funding?

A: The Founder Institute played a transformative role in the development of The Hair Routine, although it did not provide direct funding. Instead of financial support, the focus was on education and mentorship. It’s an early-stage incubator designed for individuals who are at the idea stage of their business journey, often without an established company. What was truly valuable about the Founder Institute, from my perspective, was the profound impact it had on my professional growth. It marked a clear distinction in my life: there’s a ‘before’ and ‘after’ when it comes to my experience with the program. Joining the program without any knowledge of building a business, I left with substantial revenue generated within just four months – a testament to the effectiveness of their training.

As an immigrant to Canada, not fluent in the language, the Founder Institute taught me essential skills like pitching and networking. The mentors I connected with during the program, some of whom I met as far back as 2017, remain my most valued advisors and an integral part of my network today.The assignments and the rigorous nature of the program were crucial in shaping my entrepreneurial journey. If I hadn’t taken the program seriously and recognized it as an opportunity, I believe my life would be markedly different. I doubt I would have been able to build a company successfully. The Founder Institute provided the guidance and skills necessary to transform an idea into a viable business, sharpening my focus and approach in a way that has been invaluable to my success.

A Typical Day at the Founder Institute

Q: What did a typical day look like during your time in the Founder Institute program?

A: The Founder Institute program was structured as a weekly event, typically held every Wednesday from early evening until around 11pm. The day would start with dinner, followed by a session known as ‘hot desks’ where participants would stand and pitch their company. Each week, different mentors would rate these pitches on a scale of one to five. The ratings were quite straightforward – one meant your idea might not be viable, two suggested a need for pivoting, while four indicated investment potential, and five showed immediate investment interest. These pitching sessions were critical for understanding where our ideas stood in terms of market viability and mentor interest. The primary focus of the program was to validate our business ideas and guide us through the initial stages of launching a company. After the pitching and a short break, the program would transition into an educational session or class related to that week’s assignment. For instance, if the focus was on incorporation and legal aspects of starting a business, the mentors who rated our pitches, often experts in their respective fields, would lead the session. These mentors could be lawyers, branding specialists, or experienced entrepreneurs, providing insights relevant to that week’s topic. This structure of pitching, feedback, and targeted educational sessions was integral to the program. It not only honed our pitching skills but also provided us with the foundational knowledge necessary for various aspects of starting and running a business, from legalities and branding to broader strategic planning.

Distinctive Aspects of the Founder Institute Program

Q: What feature of the Founder Institute program stood out to you as particularly impactful?

A: The most standout aspect of the Founder Institute program, in my opinion, is the level of pressure and rigor it imposes on participants. The program is designed to push you to your limits and really test your commitment to becoming an entrepreneur. For instance, one of the assignments actually involves quitting your job, which exemplifies the extent of commitment the program demands. This intensity and pushiness can be challenging and stressful, but it effectively separates those who are genuinely serious about building their companies from those who might view entrepreneurship as merely a trendy endeavor. This kind of pressure and the program’s demanding nature are what set the Founder Institute apart from other accelerators or incubators.

While it’s true that most of these programs are intensive, the Founder Institute had a unique impact on my journey. It compelled me to deeply reflect on my goals, what I wanted to build, and whether I was prepared to pursue my entrepreneurial vision or not. When we started, the cohort consisted of over 60 companies, but only 11 made it to the end. This attrition rate speaks volumes about the program’s intensity and its role in making participants evaluate their commitment and suitability for the entrepreneurial path. In summary, the Founder Institute’s standout feature is its challenging nature, which serves as both a reality check and a test of one’s entrepreneurial spirit and capabilities. This approach was instrumental in shaping my resolve and clarity about pursuing my business venture.

Clarissa’s Review of the Founder Institute and Comparison with 500 Global

Q: Did the Founder Institute meet your expectations, and how does it compare to 500 Global?

A: My experience with the Founder Institute was very positive, largely because I entered the program without set expectations. As someone at the idea stage of starting a business, the program provided me with all the necessary tools and resources. It exceeded my needs at that early stage, equipping me with more than I anticipated to effectively build my company. In comparison, my participation in the Canadian chapter of 500 Global presented a different experience. 500 Global caters to startups that are at the revenue stage, which is a distinct phase compared to what the Founder Institute targets. The format of 500 Global was partly remote, offering more flexibility in terms of physical presence.

Furthermore, 500 Global was less pressure-intensive than the Founder Institute. It lacked the rigorous assignment and grading system that characterized the Founder Institute, where failing to meet certain standards in assignments or pitches could result in being removed from the program. Instead, 500 Global allowed participants to progress at their own pace and intensity, making it a more relaxed experience in comparison. Both programs serve different purposes and cater to startups at different stages of their journey. For someone in the early, idea-stage like I was when I joined the Founder Institute, its intensity and structured approach were exactly what I needed. On the other hand, 500 Global’s format and focus on revenue-stage companies offer a different kind of support more suited to startups that have already established some business fundamentals.

The Impact of Founder Institute on The Hair Routine’s Success

Q: How instrumental was the Founder Institute in shaping your professional growth and the trajectory of The Hair Routine?

A: The Founder Institute played a crucial role in my professional development and the success of The Hair Routine. The knowledge and skills I acquired there were pivotal in shaping me as a business professional. The program’s thorough approach to teaching how to build a business was a turning point in my life. It provided the foundation I needed to transform my idea into a tangible and successful venture. Since completing the program, there has been a significant shift in the growth trajectory of The Hair Routine. The company has expanded substantially, now reaching customers across four continents. This level of growth and international reach can be directly attributed to the lessons and experiences gained from the Founder Institute.
Participating in the program was a transformative experience that not only taught me the intricacies of building a business but also instilled the confidence and strategy needed to scale and grow in a highly competitive market. The Founder Institute’s influence is evident in the way The Hair Routine has evolved and continues to thrive as a company.

Maintaining Connections Post Founder Institute Program

Q: How has your relationship with the Founder Institute and its network evolved since completing the program?

A: Post-completion of the Founder Institute program, the nature of my ongoing relationship has largely been shaped by personal effort in nurturing connections. The value of these relationships hinges on how actively you engage and maintain them. At its core, the Founder Institute, like any network, is about the people you meet and interact with. I have continued to maintain strong connections with my mentors from the program. These relationships have been invaluable in guiding my decisions and helping me reflect on my business’s next steps. These mentors, whom I met during my time at the Founder Institute, remain some of my best and most trusted advisors to this day.

While the Founder Institute as an organization remains a contact point – particularly the main office in California – it’s the personal connections I fostered during the program that have provided ongoing support and guidance. The effort I put into maintaining these relationships has paid off, offering me a network of support that continues to be beneficial. In essence, the lasting impact of the Founder Institute on my professional journey has been through the connections made with individuals, rather than the program itself. It’s a testament to the importance of actively cultivating and sustaining professional relationships, especially those formed in such transformative settings.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Applying to Accelerators

Q: What advice would you offer to those considering applying to the Founder Institute or other startup accelerators?

A: My key piece of advice for anyone thinking about applying to the Founder Institute or any similar accelerator is to stay true to your core idea. Focus primarily on the problem you aim to solve rather than getting overly attached to your initial solution. Often, a deeper understanding of the problem will naturally lead you to the most effective solution. In addition to this problem-focused approach, it’s important to surround yourself with people who genuinely want to support and assist you in bringing your solution to life.

Look for mentors and collaborators who share your vision and are committed to helping you succeed. These relationships can be incredibly valuable as you navigate the challenges of developing your idea into a viable business. The journey of entrepreneurship is as much about understanding and solving real-world problems as it is about forming strong, supportive connections. By keeping these principles in mind, you can maximize your experience in any accelerator program and increase your chances of success in your entrepreneurial endeavors.