Finding Responsive Mentors

Before giving insider tips on how to find responsive mentors, it must be mentioned that our team monitors mentor responsiveness daily. Mentors who are unresponsive are removed from the feed.

Next Available Filter

Use our new Next Available filter to see who is available to speak with you as soon as possible.  You’ll find this filter under the main filter section on the right hand side of the site under the AI matching bar.  

Combining this with the Skill filter and Time Available is the winning ticket 

Here’s an example of the Next Available ‘Go to Market Strategy’ mentors available from 8am-10am (you see this according to your time zone settings).  It’s an ugly url, but you get the point 😊[]=8-10&order=asc&specialties[]=Go%20to%20market%20strategy

Realtime Reviews

Search this channel in Slack to see who is active in the topic you are looking for help with.


Check the 30 day Leaderboard to see who is the most active.

Usually responds in…

On Mentor’s profiles you can find their average response time. This helps to give you an idea of how it usually takes them to respond to session requests.

Post a Help Request

Throw some feelers out there by posting what you need help with. If someone responds to it, it means they are DTM (down to mentor).

Updated on July 10, 2024

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