What are the benefits of becoming a growth mentor?

I’ll list them in the order of number of references I have heard from the mentors 🙂

  • It’s fun!
  • It feels good to help others.
  • It keeps the mind sharp. “It’s like going to a Growth gymnasium” Josh Sturgeon
  • It’s great fodder for personal brands
  • They continually get to meet up and coming entrepreneurs and marketers and feel learn about new products before anyone else.
  • Mentor profiles rank high on Google so if someone searches for them, they’ll see that they are a mentor and (hopefully) glowing reviews
    • Mentors have gotten job offers because of background checks finding the review section
  • They appreciate the opportunities to do workshops, podcasts, etc and for us to circulate their name via social media
  • We offer paid gig opportunities through GrowthExpert
  • Listing GrowthMentor on your LinkedIn and CV looks pretty darn good
  • Networking with other mentors and members in Slack is a great place to spot collabs and opportunities
    • Numerous job offers have been made, businesses co-founded and long-term friendships created
  • In person meet-ups through the City Squads program
  • Free GrowthMentor membership to book calls with mentors

First hand accounts of ‘why I mentor’

Michael Taylor

Dani Hart

Vassilena Valchanova

Tomek Duda

Updated on February 16, 2023
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